what are 


powder brows

Soft powder brows also known as Ombre brows is the most populair technique in semi permanent make up (spmu) and our personal favourite. It’s all about blending & shading to create a beautiful naturel soft powdered look. Soft powderbrows is suitable and the solution for a big range of client because it works on allmost all skintypes. The word “Ombre” comes from French word with means shaded. With this beautiful technique we create a lighter effect at the beginning of the brow, darkening towards the arch and the tail of the brow. The finished brow has a very soft powdery effect but gives a lot of volume and definition. Wake up with gorgeous full brows. 

About the treatment

Our signiture soft powder brows (Inclusing a service check up treatment after 5-8 weeks)

2 hours

Can stay up to 1,5 -2 years


everything u need to know about


How long does it last?

1,5 – 2 years

How does it work?

The technique is applied with a 20 or 30mm Nano needle. All the products and pigments we use are certified and of high quality. During the intake we will let you fill in a health form and after this we will start shaping your brows with thread or a tweezer. Then we will continue with measuring your brows with the newest techniques and measure instruments. 

Until we are both satisfied about the shape we will start the pigmentation process. 

How long does the treatment take?

The first treatment will take 2 hours.  The after care around 1 hour.

When do I need to get a touch up?

After 18-24 months you are welcome to come back for your touch-up.

Depending on your age and skin type this may variate.

Is it painful?

The treatment is not found painful by most people, when your pain level is low you might feel it a little bit.

Contra indications
  • when pregnant (4 months after giving birth its possible to do the treatment again, when the pregnancy hormones are stabilized)
    • While under influence of alcohol or drugs
    • While using blood thinning medication
    • Diabetes or haemophilia (blooddisease)
    • During chemotherapie
    • Hearth and vain diseases
    • Immune diseases
    • When using roaccutane (acne medication)
    • While using antibiotics
    • Irritated skin around the brow area
    • When recently done a chemical or skin peeling with acids
    • When used botox < 2 weeks before treatment  

    * Not sure about your medication? Please confirm and ask your dokter.

    * When semi permanent make up has been applied by another specialist we always like to see a photo before you plan in your treatment so we can decide if we can do a touch up for you.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare?
  • No alcohol or drugs 24 hours before treatment. 
  • Do not take any aspirin or painkillers 24 hours before treatment. 
  • Discontinue using vitamine A , chemical peelings or any products that’s contain AHA or fruit acids around your brows 5 weeks before and after treatment. 
  • Botox on the forehead and frown area should be not done at least 2 weeks prior to the treatment. 
  • Please plan your sun holidays around your treatment.  At least 2 weeks before and after. After a week you can apply spf50 to protect your brows. 
After care instructions
Post after care is very important for the appearance and longevity of your new brows. 
  • Do not let water soap or make up touch your eyebrows for the first 3 days.

  • No water contact and exercising for the first 3 days

  • No Swimming pool water / jacuzzi/sauna/hot yoga (for 1 week)

  • Avoid sunbathing or solarium at least 2 weeks before and after treatment ( After 1 week you can apply spf50)

  • Don’t use treatments/peelings/laser or face creams that contain acids for the next 4/5 week.

  • Don’t touch the eyebrow area before washing your hands

  • Avoid Picking/ peeling or scratching the pigmented area
  • Please wash your face gently around the eyebrow the first 3 days.
  • You can apply your make up far around the eyebrow area. After a week you can apply normal make up again.
  • After day 3 you can make your brows wet again and itching and flaking may appear on day 4-5. This is a normal healing process.


how to 


Book in your appointment with our online booking system or book in a consultation first. 

While booking your treatment we advice you to book in your after care in advance aswell, to make sure your spot is reserved.

Love, The Browbarber